Our team members have earned the Sales Leader title through years of working across the trade, building skills and relationships. Our organization empowers our Sales Leaders with the absolute best team of people and tools to support them. In short, we’ve assembled the best industry talent, boosted with the best tech solutions and hyper-threaded it all with clear and effective processes.

We Sell
Not just a sales team, but Sales Leaders.
This is at the center of everything we do. Over the years we found success was driven by having great sales talent who also understand the different parts of the organization. They are able to identify both what is important to them and how to communicate it in the most effective way.

High Retail Responsiveness
High Accountability From Start To Finish.
Our sales leaders and teams will work with you to develop and implement sales and trade marketing strategies. We can help you understand packaging requirements and any needed improvements to inform our team of what is going on and prevent any surprises. Our sales leaders understand what is needed for success and how to drive it with retailers.

Seamless Team Integration
We’ve been working with brand teams for a long time.
When we commit a sales team to a brand, collaboration with your HQ brand teams is a vital piece of the flow. We work with your existing brand teams to develop a multifaceted strategy that maximizes exposure at shelf’s edge and in the minds of the shopper’s decision making process.